We use cookies to enhance your experience on our websites. To expand for more players, simply add an additional Star Realms Core Set or Colony Wars deck for 1-2 additional players. La reproduction totale ou partielle sans permission est interdite. • A Mega-Ship for your trade deck. Heroes are forged in times of crisis. Star Realms is a great game that I will still play a lot, especially because it is my boyfriend's favorite. It combines the fun of a deck-building game with the interactivity of Trading Card Game style combat. https://www.trictrac.net/jeu-de-societe/star-realms/extensions • A Legendary Commander card which shows your Commander’s hand size and starting Authority! N'hésitez pas à éditer ces données si vous remarquez qu'une information est manquante ou erronée. You pick a general direction and implement like hell. 1 Rules Card This expansion contains 9 all-new Gambits, as well as 16 new Promo ships and bases for use with the Star Realms Core Set and/or the Colony Wars expansion. This pack contains 12 cards: 1 Border Fort, 1 Capitol World, 2 Cargo Launches, 2 Customs Frigates, 1 Death World, 2 Patrol Bots, 2 Spike Pods and 1 Star Fortress. Star Realms: Gambit incorporates both the Gambit set and the Year One organized play promo cards from the physical card game. Participez à la communauté, suivez l’actualité de vos jeux, discutez autour du jeu, suivez vos jeux préférés, créer vos listes, ... Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter, et restez informé(e) des nouveaux contenus et de l'activité sur le site. Announcing the Star Realms Digital Legend Series at SPIEL.digital 2020! • 2 Gambit cards, unique to your Commander! sont peut-être incomplètes. The first set of four were together labeled the Crisisexpansions; the most recent four … To reveal a Gambit, turn it face up. Star Realms United is a four pack expansion that features multi-faction ships and bases, powerful new heroes, and all-new missions cards that give players a new way to play and win! The never-ending war for galactic supremacy has given rise to bold new ships and powerful new bases. Star Realms: United Command contains another set of 12 all-new cards with the new multi-faction ships and bases. Dimension: 6,3cm x 10,5cm Bâtissez votre propre royaume galactique. In the cold, unforgiving battlefield of space, a cunning Gambit can prove to be the most powerful weapon in your arsenal. If you like Star Realms, this is a fun add on for a new dimension of play. La boîte contient un jeu complet pour 1 à 4 joueurs avec 80 nouvelles cartes Commerce et 8 cartes de défi solo / coopératif surdimensionnées. Ce que nous propose Iello le 19 mai répond au nom de « Colony Wars » est plus qu’une extension. Par : Nephren | dimanche 12 mai 2019 à 00:53 . Gambit apporte plusieurs nouveautés : Les cartes Gambit permettent aux joueurs de déclencher des capacités spéciales. You get strange and powerful new effects! booster packs, released four at a time. Star Realms: Frontiers (2018) Expand your fleet, explore new frontiers, and impose your authority over your rivals. – Arthur C Clarke. How will you deal with the Crisis? This box will hold your entire Star Realms collection, with or without sleeves, with room to spare for future sets and even a playmat! En cliquant sur « je m'inscris », vous acceptez de recevoir nos lettres d’information et vous confirmez avoir pris connaissance de notre, Star Realms : Goodie Site de Reproduction, Star Realms : Goodie Marché Intergalactique, Star Realms : Goodie Forteresse de l'Oubli, Star Realms: Crisis – bases & Battleships, Star Realms: Crisis – Fleets & Fortresses. Hero-worship exists, has existed, and will forever exist, universally among Mankind. Powerful new warpgate technology has opened up a distant frontier, ripe for conquest. Star Realms. Ces choix influent bien évidemment sur l’issue de la partie, plus vous jouez, et plus vous savez quelles sont les bonnes cartes à acquérir. As the fight for galactic dominance rages, once unthinkable alliances have become a reality. Star Realms High Alert Bundle Preorder. The wars continue, and now the stakes are even higher! À partir de 12 ans, pour 2 joueurs et des parties d'environ 20 min. The engines of death and destruction are constantly evolving to keep up with the cries for victory. ©2017-2020 White Wizard Games LLC | Privacy Policy. United est une extension qui nécessite le jeu de base Star Realms. Winner Becomes a Card in the Game! Si vous avez au moins 2 bases en jeu, gagnez 3 dégâts. The Fleets and Fortresses pack introduces eight new ships and bases for your Trade Deck. réponses. Regular price $ 19.96 View. Regular price $ 4.99 View. Carte Faction Empire Galactique (jaune)Coût : 4Effet : Si vous avez joué une base à ce tour (y compris celle-ci), piochez une carte.Défense : 6, Carte faction Techno-Culte (rouge)Coût : 3Effet : Si vous avez joué une base ce tour (y compris celle-ci), vous pouvez retirer une carte de votre main ou de votre défausse.Avant-poste 4, Crisis – Bases & Battleships est une extension pour Star Realms.Le boosters contient les 12 cartes suivantes:-1 Construction Hauler-2 Defense Bots-2 Fighter Bases-1 Imperial trader-1 Mega Mech-1 Obliterator-2 Trade Rafts-2 Trade Wheels. Star Realms: United - complete set of all four mini expansions (Assault, Command, Missions, Heroes) by Star Realms. Can you master the latest strategies, and take your place in the annals of galactic history? Chaque joueur démarre la partie avec le même deck composé de 10 vaisseaux : 8 Scouts et 2 Vipers. Each player is dealt three face-down. When you acquire a Hero, it goes directly into play instead of into your discard pile. When do you use your Gambits? Leaders go into play as soon as purchased and can make your attacks stronger with the right, matching ships. Each pack includes these features: • Use with any Star Realms set. When played, those ships and bases generate powerful effects, additional trade, and combat to attack your opponent and their bases. When the colonies go to war, which factions will untie to overcome the odds and emerge as survivors? Star Realms - Crisis : est une extension pour Star Realms, composé d'un booster de 12 cartes, pour renouveler vos parties ! On … The Star Realms: United Missions pack contains 12 unique cards: Ally, Armada, Colonize, Convert, Defend, Diversify, Dominate, Exterminate, Influence, Monopolize, Rule, and Unite. – Jack Welch. We cannot predict the new forces, powers, and discoveries that will be disclosed to us when we reach the other planets and set up new laboratories in space. Développez votre empire, détruisez l'influence de vos adversaires au travers de ces guerres de colonies : Colony Wars est compatible avec Star Realms. They are as much beyond our vision today as fire or electricity would be beyond the imagination of a fish. The two player Core Set is all you need to start your galactic adventure. Colony Wars is the first standalone set for the award-winning Star Realms Deckbuilding Game. Carte Goodie Marché IntergalactiqueFaction Fédération du CommerceCoût : 4Effet : Si vous avez joué une Base à ce tour (y compris celle-ci), gagnez 5 points d'autorité ou 3 points d'achat.Défense 6. – Voltaire. Gambit - Extension Star Realms : Renouvellez votre expérience de jeu ! In the cold, unforgiving battlefield of space, a cunning Gambit can prove to be the most powerful weapon in your arsenal. If you reduce your opponent’s score to zero, you win! When a player fulfills the objective, they reveal the card and score the reward. Contents: 15-Card promo and token set, 30 plastic dividers, and 6 foam blocks. After it has its effect, it immediately gets replaced with the next card in the Trade Deck. Gambit cards are dealt face down to players at the beginning of the game. But I'd say that Hero Realms is an improvement because I prefer the theme and because Hero Realms is going to surpass its predecessor in terms of interesting new expansions and modes to play in. – Thomas Carlyle. Players may reveal Gambits at the start of the game or during their main phase. Star Realms Command Deck: The Unity. Missions are an all-new card type that give players an alternate win condition. Add awesome new ships and bases to your Trade Deck, plus experience Heroes and Events for the first time! Establish your Star Realm with powerful new ships and bases! $16.50 ... Excellente petite extension pour complèter vos parties. As you play, use trade to add new ships and bases to your deck. Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. The Machine Cult can bounce bases with the Mega Mech and the Star Empire can lock down your opponent’s hand with a Fighter Base. Stellar Allies Pack Kickstarter exclusive 12 new multi-faction cards for the trade deck For use with Frontiers or any other Star Realms set. This explosive new expansion features four new packs of cards to increase your Star Realms’ play experience: Events, Heroes, Fleets & Fortresses, and Bases & Battleships. • Portable – The whole game fits in a deckbox. This box contains a complete game for 1-4 players with rules and 152 cards, including an all-new 80-card trade deck and 8 oversized solo/co-op challenge cards. Peut être librement combiné avec Star Realms, Colony Wars ou toute autre extension Star Realms.. Frontiers ajoute un mode coopératif ainsi qu'un jeu solo. Vous n'êtes pas encore inscrit sur Tric Trac ? Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause. Contains the two faction pairs not included in Star Realms United: Blob/Trade Federation and Machine Cult/Star Empire. • Expandable – One deckbox supports 2 players. À partir de 12 ans, pour 2 joueurs et des parties d'environ 20 min. Crisis, United, and High Alert ($4.99 MSRP per pack),Command Decks ($5.99 MSRP) The primary way Star Realms has been expanded is through (non-random!) Play powerful ships, destroy enemy bases or blast your opponent directly on your way to victory! The game changes in powerful ways with a new type of card — the Gambit. Nick addition to Star Realms. En compétitif : Chaque carte défi représente un ennemi avec des instructions de configuration uniques, des règles-exceptions, des capacités spéciales et sa propre séquence de jeu. Ajoutez de la puissance à votre flotte avec Gambit. 0 à 13 sur 13; Nephren. Harness these newly united powers or be destroyed by them. Copyright©2021 Flat Prod. Star Realms user: Mg42 Np IGN: RillsAlThor Expansions: W-BFC2K Contact:geekmail Looking to rejoin, had to duck out near the start of a season recently. Collection Complète Star Realms United 48 Cartes Alors que le combat pour la domination galactique fait rage, des alliances autrefois inimaginables sont devenues réalité. Master your fortunes and rule the cosmos! 0 . Star Realms: United - complete set of all four mini expansions (Assault, Command, Missions, Heroes) by Star Realms 4.8 out of 5 stars 75 $16.50 $ 16 . The fate of empires can turn on the actions of a single individual. Victory awaits him who has everything in order…luck, people call it. Forge your future with the men, women, and gelatinous goo monsters that lead the galaxy! Dominez la galaxie en construisant de superbases, fusion de la biotechnologie Blob et de la nanotechnologie du Techno-Culte ! What is Star Realms. Each pack includes: 2 Battle Screecher, 1 Breeding Site, 2 Star Market, 1 Megahauler, 2 Fortress Oblivion, 1 The Ark, 2 Battle Barge, 1 Starbase Omega, 2 Security Craft, and 1 Mercenary Garrison. Cette vague est composée de 4 paquets distincts avec chacun sa thématique. This pack contains 12 cards: 1 Black Hole, 1 Bombardment, 2 Comet, 1 Galactic Summit, 2 Quasar, 1 Supernova, 2 Trade Mission and 2 Warp Jump. This pack contains 12 cards: 2 Coalition Freighter, 1 Coalition Fortress, 2 Alliance Frigate, 1 Alliance Landing, 2 Assault Pod, 1 Unity Station, 2 Unity Fighter, 1 Union Cluster. Star Realms: Gambit Set regroupe les 18 cartes des sets promo 1 et 2. Découvrez Star Realms sous un nouveau jour; Favorisez l'émergence de stratégies inédites; Contenu : 20 cartes au format Standard; Scénarios est une extension qui nécessite le jeu de base Star Realms. Star Realms is an award-winning spaceship combat deckbuilding game designed by Magic: the Gathering Pro Tour Champions and Hall of Famers Darwin Kastle and Rob Dougherty. Je ne vous ferais pas l’affront de vous expliquer ici ce qu’est Star Realms… You need only a show of war to have peace. • Battle against other commanders, or play as a raid boss taking on multiple opponents who play standard decks! The high quality plastic dividers included will allow you to separate your cards by set, and/or have a deck ready to play with dividers for Trade Deck, Explorers, Personal Decks and Score Cards. Event cards affect all players when turned up and they are resolved immediately. Events are a new type of card for your Trade Deck. Harness the fortunes of war, and take advantage of the tranquility of peace. This pack contains 12 cards: 2 Trade Star, 1 Union Stronghold, 2 Alliance Transport, 1 Embassy Base, 2 Coalition Messenger, 1 Lookout Post, 2 Blob Bot, 1 Exchange Point. – Roald Amundsen. When do you make your move? Carte goodie Site de ReproductionFaction base Blob (couleur verte)Coût : 4Effet : si vous avez joué une base à ce tour (y compris celle-ci), gagnez 5 dégâts.Défense 7. • Affordable – Amazing game play for just $14.95 (MSRP). A sudden supernova throws occupied space into chaos. follower. • Your Commander’s custom 12-card starting deck which includes new cards from your Commander’s two favored factions! Star Realms: United Assault features all-new hybrid Ships and Bases. Top Eight Get Alt Art Digital Scouts and Vipers! Designed by Hall of Famers Rob Dougherty and Darwin Kastle, Star Realms combines the fun of deckbuilding … Extensions Star Realms: Colony Wars contient le même matériel que le jeu de base, mais avec des cartes Commerce différentes. What happens when factions combine? 13 Gambit Cards: 1 Acceptable Losses, 2 Asteroid Mining, 1 Blackmarket, 2 Exploration, 1 Hidden Base, 2 Rapid Deployment, 1 Triumphant Return, 1 Two-Pronged Attack, 1 Veteran Pilots, 1 Wild Gambit. The Alignment, The Alliance, The Coalition, The Pact, The Union, and The Unity are 18-card Command Decks that allow you to play as legendary commanders in the Star Realms universe! There are nine of them, and each player is given two of them at random to begin the game. Vous pouvez retirer jusqu'à 5 cartes présentes dans la ligne d'achat.Effet Allié Blob : 2 d'achat. This pack contains 12 cards: 1 Construction Hauler, 2 Defense Bots, 2 Fighter Bases, 1 Imperial Trader, 1 Mega Mech, 1 Obliterator, 2 Trade Rafts and 2 Trade Wheels. Ships and bases of legend can at last be a part of your arsenal! Each 13 card pack comes with 12 new Star Realms cards and 1 rules card. When creating your star realm, be ready for the unexpected. The goal of Star Realms is to destroy opponents by purchasing cards using "trade" points and using these cards to attack an opponent's "authority" using "combat" points. There are nine of them, and each player is given two of them at random to begin the game. The second Gambits expansion for the award-winning Star Realms Deckbuilding Game. For use with the Star Realms Deckbuilding Game. Découvrez Star Realms - Commandement : L'Unité de iello, une Extension pour 2 joueurs à partir de 10 ans.. Incarnez le Bioseigneur Walsh. In real life, strategy is actually very straightforward. A player may only complete a Mission once per turn, but when they score their third and final mission, they win the game! This pack contains 12 cards: 2 Cunning Captain, 1 Admiral Rasmusson, 2 Ram Pilot, 1 Blob Overlord, 2 War Elder, 1 High Priest Lyle, 2 Special Ops Director and 1 CEO Torres. 50 $19.96 $19.96 – George S Patton. It features all-new Trade Deck cards in the factions you all know and love, and all-new abilities. Establish your Star Realm with powerful new ships and bases! It brings out all that is best and it removes all that is base. Plein. La technologie des portails intergalactiques vient de bouleverser le fragile équilibre de la galaxie. On vous a parlé il y a quelques semaines du jeu Star Realms, quelques parties plus tard (environ 150) on a eu l’occasion d’avoir 2 paquets de la vague d’extension Crisis (merci Iello!) Surprenez vos adversaires et découvrez de nouvelles façons d'étendre votre empire galactique avec l'extension Gambit pour Star Realms ! Our fans have asked us to bring the expansion to our digital platform, and we’re done that and more. Magasin spécialisé en jeux de société, cartes et puzzles à Mulhouse en Alsace !