If a quest results in you paying apples or gems to another player, pick up those tokens from either of your Seekers' spaces, select a space occupied by another player's Seeker, and place the tokens on that space. Thanks for asking, Alberto! Game title: My Little Scythe Game description: My Little Scythe is a competitive, family-friendly game in which each player controls 2 animal miniatures embarking upon an adventure in the Kingdom of Pomme. I’ve completed 2 quests but can’t receive the trophy because I have 0 friendship. My Little Scythe has all the essentials of big Scythe, but trimmed down to a level of complexity that is perfect to play with the wee ones. © 2020 Ultra BoardGames. I’m sorry about that, Grace. Love the game. For instance, for a single make action can you pay 4 gems to get 2 spell cards? – the first 8 pies collected, Does the other player need to have previously performed the make action? Since this free moment is part of your move action, when you enter a space occupied by an opponent’s Seeker, your movement ends. If a quest results in you paying gems or apples, you may pay them from ANY space where you have a Seeker. The winner controls the resources on that territory. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for important updates and limited offers. To select an action, place your action token on a different action than the previous turn. Hi Allen! 10 is the max friendship, and yes, you can use the spells after you reach the 3-spell threshold (you don’t discard those spells when you get the trophy). nur 5 € für 14 Tage. 9 With the Setup Tile face down, randomly orient it on the center Castle Everfree space of the map. Hi, can you move the same seeker twice during movement or can individual seekers only move once? Or: Riffic fonts are kind of hard to get. On your next turn, you must choose any other action on the Move, Seek, or Make sections. Once you earn either a gem or apple delivery trophy, you may not later repeat the same type of delivery. Populate the sets of 3 spaces in front of each active player's Base Camp Tile with resources depicted on the tile, then discard the tile. If I upgraded my MOVE tile(let me can move to a space contains a quest token),may I move two seekers on two different quest space,or I can only move one seeker to do this? No, only apples and gems are resources. Through extensive research, we bring everything you need to know about board games. My family and I absolutely LOVE My Little Scythe! Gain 2 friendship & 1 pie.”. 2. My Little Scythe is about 80% language independent. And, other question. Is this just a reskinned kids version of Scythe? There seems to be a discrepancy in the FAQ above and an answered comment below, so I’m looking for clarification. If a tie still exists, whoever is currently holding the most gems & apples on the map wins. This may only be earned on the turn it was completed. An I able to claim this trophy as soon as my friendship is up to 3 again? Young Seeker, your time has come. My little Scythe ausleihen und testen. Once your Seeker(s) successfully completes a delivery onto the Castle Everfree space, the Seeker(s) involved in the delivery is immediately teleported back to your Base Camp. So in your situation, C would take a turn, then B, then the game would end. FB page for fans of My Little Scythe (the board game) to discuss the game (rules questions, strategies, anecdotes, etc). The value of each player's magic spell(s) is added to the number of pies they choose to throw, resulting in each player's total pie fight score. 8 Shuffle the Power Up Tiles in their respective piles (Move & Make), then place each pile face down on the board. 2 Quests: Resolve 2 quests. rozšířen í 1 - 6 hráčů od let. Thank you. Available @ Amazon . This happened during the Grand Finale: Hello, Because in my understanding is that the current pie fight turn is consider as the other player’s turn. So I don’t have an official answer for you! Because Portal Express is a free jump, can Player 2 then pick up the gems and make a delivery to the castle? I would appreciate your assistance: 1. During an opponent's turn, if you successfully win a pie fight (as the defender), you may immediately earn the Pie Fight Victory trophy if you haven't already earned it. Can I copy the Pie Courier bonus? The number must not exceed a player's total pies shown on the Pie Track. Used Magic Spell cards are placed face up on the discard pile. I read rulebook, BBG forum and stonemaiergames Q&A, though still i have some questions and doubts. I also just made it to the questions from 2018 where you had already answered these same questions. We have one question though (sorry if already answered, I did not read all comments) – can a player initiate a fight with another seeker, who has no resources just to earn the trophy? 3. You may earn only 1 trophy on your turn until the tournament's grand finale (see "How to Win"). Seeker 2 is on a different hex with a gem. Thanks Andrew! Or shall I pay 2 apples OR 2 diamonds ? PLEASE NOTE: Your comment may not publish instantly after submitting. Stop if you move your Seeker onto a space occupied by an opponent's Seeker. Give 1 Magic Spell card to each player (keep it a secret). Will My Little Scythe be released in other languages? Do I get it right, that Automountie earns trophy only for: Pie Fight Victory: Win a pie fight as either an attacker or defender. Once a trophy is placed on the Trophy Track, it may never be removed. If I get the catapult, can I move one of my seekers to the castle and then send him the needed ressources for the delivery ? My Little Scythe features adjusted rules that make this a a great game for gamers to play with their kids. We’ve played 5 times in 2 days. Does it have room for expansions? Move: Move both of your Seeker miniatures. My Little Scythe Board Game hat 1.153 Mitglieder. FB page for fans of My Little Scythe (the board game) to discuss the game (rules questions, strategies, anecdotes, etc). For example: I’ve completed one quest Delivered resources are removed from the map. Thanks so much for the help. I complete a second quest (now I have two quests, but do not earn a trophy) I enjoy Scythe. Thank you in advance. We understand that if you don’t control the needed resources to pay/place you can’t do the blue portion of a quest card. Can the Treasure Map quest be used to move an opponents Seeker to their home base if that is where their sibling is? The My Little Scythe multiplayer rulebook, solo rulebook, achievement sheet, and translated rulebooks are available for download here. 8 Pies: Reach 8 on the Pie Track. 2. Can I move one of my characters onto a hex occupied by my other character? Little Amadeus - Maestro Rudi Hoffmann Amigo Verlag. Or does it freeze at 4 then move to who has most friendship? Versandkosten. Mark from Kent. That’s almost right, except that you DO have an advantage if both your characters are there, because you can play 1 magic spell card per character in the fight. Move to carry apples and/or gems: Move your Seeker up to 1 space while transporting any number of apples or gem tokens. You can only use one of your Seeker’s moves to jump to a quest space if you have that upgrade. Gra przeznaczona jest dla całej rodziny, w tym dla dzieci od 8 roku życia. There are several quest cards that say “Place a gem (or apple),” do those must come from tiles occupied by my seekers or do they come from the supply? Thank you! It does make sense, and thank you! The special move is to be used instead of a regular one or in addition ? Then she gains a trophy and pays all the 3 tokens of the primary seeker and the quest token on the secondary seeker, leaving her with an apple on the secondary seeker. If you have 1 English speaker at the table, you’ll be fine. Nous vous proposons une première liste de sujets de forums. I can’t spot any other differences – what is this card for ? Can I ask that if someone successfully defend on a pie fight for the first time, the player will gain the trophy immediately? thanks! All while … Vybíráme z aukcí. Vor einer ganzen Weile gab es einen Bericht über eine Fan-Made Version von Scythe. Gain 2 friendship & 1 pie.”, Friends in Peril has similar wording. :). If the first player is not the one who gets 4 trophies first, then there must not be a first player advantage! I’m not sure what you mean by “shot.” If you mean “before her turn begins,” then yes. We bought it for Christmas and our kids enjoy it a lot (and so do we). If a quest results in you gaining gems or apples, place the resources on ANY space where you have a Seeker. Gather your little scythe and discover your destiny. There is no limit to the number of Magic Spells in your possession. Thanks. I would like to translate the rule book to Serbian language, so she can consult the rules when playing with her friends. It can, however, move to that next space without carrying resources. We bought My Little Scythe yesterday and it was an immediate hit! Does it mean that: See step 3 of the pie fight rules on page 5 of the rulebook. My Little Scythe is a competitive, family-friendly game in which each player controls 2 animal miniatures embarking upon an adventure in the Kingdom of Pomme.. Since I am only able to claim one trophy a round (save for the grand finale), would I be granted the trophy at the start of my next turn, assuming I still had the pies and/or friendship to qualify? My 5 year old, my husband, and I all love it. Are there supposed to be action tokens, pie tokens and friendship tokens for the foxes and owls included? :), Cool – It was driving me nuts checking to see what I was missing :-), In dark magic quest. Laszlo: The Grand Finale start immediately after someone acquires 4 trophies, so after his turn, giving everyone else one more turn. I see the confusion now, Mickey. MwSt.. Außerhalb Deutschlands zzgl. But if you don’t see them, we can send them to you. Hi, if I already complete 2 Quest card, achieving the related Trophy, can I start other Quest cards? A better way to phrase this ability is, “As a part of your Move action, your Seekers may each make one free portal jump between 2 portals.”. For the Pie Cannon power up tile, do I get the bonus whenever anyone initiates a pie fight? That sounds like the player earlier in turn order set themselves up to avoid a fight while the player later in turn order set themselves up to engage in a pie fight that wouldn’t exist by the time it became their turn. If I’ve met the requirements for a Personality card, am I required to reveal it and earn a trophy? :). Pie in the sky question: Place a trophy from your player mat on the trophy track on the correct level. When your friendship is below 3, you may not earn trophies even if you've met the criteria. My question then is would there be something in the works for the future? Place your chosen tile on top of the corresponding section on your player mat. Hi, Lars. Initiating the pie fight took me to 2 friendship. If you have rule questions, please post them in the comments on this page, create a thread on BoardGameGeek, or ask them in the My Little Scythe Facebook group. 2) if you earned a spell trophy with three spells, can you then use those same spells on a quest (ie Dark Magic) – they have not been used in a pie fight. Until the grand finale, you may only earn up to 1 trophy on your turn. No, base camps are not spaces and can never contain resources or quests. Player 2 starts on a different portal and decides to use the Move action, but first uses Portal Express to transport to Player 1’s spot. Exhausted resources: In the rare event that gems, apples, or quest tokens are used up, no further tokens of that type may be placed on the map until they are made available through deliveries, Make actions, or quests. My Little Scythe plays up to 6 players. “place 2 gems on a space occupied by another player. For the Help with Apples quest card, if I choose the “Donate Apples” option, where do the apples come from? Use the pie fight dial to secretly plan the number of pies to throw. Thanks Alex! For the “Mechanical Frog” ability, do quest tokens count as resources? The subsequent quest brought me up to three hearts again. If you can send me these fonts, it would be a big help. Another example: Can I still “Run Away with Prize” on the “Test of Strength” quest if I’m already at zero friendship? 1. On some turns, you may also earn a single trophy (see "Trophies"). So can she use the portal if she is already in it? A) Automountie cannot earn trophy i.e. My Little Scythe to przyjazna gra rodzinna z elementami rywalizacji, zaprojektowana przez Hoby’ego Chou i jego córkę Viennę, zainspirowana bestsellerową grą Scythe. Does the “Copy Cat” action allow you perform upgraded “Make” actions that other players have on their mats? MwSt.. Außerhalb Deutschlands zzgl. In which row of the Trophy Track does the Automountie place trophies? Vincent: The most movement each Seeker has each turn if they’re carrying resources is 1 space. If I go first, I step into the castle, get my trophy and jump to the base camp and avoid the fight. No. Many thanks for such a great game Daniel: No, each seeker can either move up to 2 spaces without carrying anything or just move 1 space carrying resources. Using these magic spell cards from this point forward does not undo the trophy. Since you can only gain one trophy per turn, on later turns if you’ve met the criteria for a trophy and you haven’t yet earned a trophy on your turn, you must place a trophy token. Once all final turns are resolved, the player with 4 trophies is crowned the winner, and the new ruler of Pomme. Translated Rules or Reviews: My little Scythe kaufen: nur 44, 99 € inkl. I’m not sure this is a case for “first player advantage.” But that’s just my opinion and you’re welcome to houserule the game however you’d like. Yes, it can copy upgraded Make actions, even if the opponent hasn’t used that action. The choice is yours. Great game we discovered at MAGFest. Those who have played Scythe will understand the rules in about ten seconds, and for kids and/or newcomers, this game provides a great entry-point. Each Seeker may either:eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'ultraboardgames_com-box-4','ezslot_4',132,'0','0'])); Move without carrying apples or gems: Move your Seeker up to 2 spaces. Or do I only need to complete one more of the requirements for any trophy? So if she is on the portal before her shot begins she can then use the portal she is already on to move to the castle? Je to náš hlavní zdroj příjmů, ze kterých financujeme provoz Zatrolených her.