Take a close look between the “E” and the “x” and you will notice an arrow in the negative space. What makes a successful logo design? But, NASA’s first logo (fondly called the “meatball logo”) features an element that has become one of the most ubiquitous shapes in logo design. A logo is like the front door of a business. The study cited this familiarity bias might be "why new logos tend to test worse than an existing logo from the same company." It’s a first impression. Know the stirring factors these logos have in common and get yourself a fondly remembered logo for the years to come. It allows for a logo to last for an extensive period of time, and to be effective no matter the context. The following are proven to be some of the best fonts: Phatboy Slim font – PS4. There are hundreds or more companies with famous logos, for almost all product ranges available in the market. The Google logo is undoubtedly one of the most recognized corporate trademarks in the world. Online marketing has made it even more complex. The instantly recognisable Phatboy Slim adorns PS4s around the world in its own unique style. The online auction giant released this new logo in 2012, replacing the old logo that was used since the company (at the time called “Auction Web”) changed its name to eBay in September of 1997. From Closing Logos. It’s a greeting. The shipping company’s logo is one of the best in “hidden image” logos. When you think of famous logos, you may not immediately think of NASA. Over the years, Google has used different logos, but perhaps the most famous one was introduced in 1999. The world’s most iconic and famous logos have this down. Developing a flexible and adaptable logo, that works on all platforms, is an intelligent and wise decision. Most Famous Logos. Learning from the World’s Famous Logos. Apple Beyond that, though, seeing a logo triggers how you feel about a company and what they provide. Let’s take a minute here and appreciate the concept of the emblem, which makes it without a doubt one of the world’s most famous logos! 20 World’s Famous Logos 1. It was used as a base design for later logos until 2015. Successful logos are immediately recognizable, reflect a … The Top 10 Most Memorable Logos … 5. The original NASA insignia (in use … The new logo uses elements such as zigzagged letters (known as a “baseline shift”) and fun colors to convey a sense of energy and dynamicity. They are made with endless efforts, sleepless nights, and several sessions of brainstorming. Many famous logos use custom typefaces, but they are often based on fonts that are prevalent throughout many areas of graphic design. The 100 Most Famous Logos of All-Time. It’s got an energy. [[Walt Disney Pictures|210px|Walt Disney Pictures - 1990]] [[TriStar Pictures|207px|TriStar Pictures (1993- )]] Jump to navigation Jump to search. These famous logos have become worldwide symbols, well-known and understood. A famous company logo that is more robust than Coca-Cola’s might be difficult to find. Under such dense competition, creating individuality for a brand is difficult, even with a famous logo design. FedEx. Graphic symbols and elements we see in famous logos today are a result of numerous techniques studied in the last couple of centuries. The logo was curated by renowned designer Ruth Kedar, based on Catull typeface. Click on their images to see their history and descriptions. That’s the secret of instantly recognizable logos. Famous logos are not created in a day.