This jQuery plugin allows you to add a country picker to easily display a list of countries in your Bootstrap form. Insert a transparent 1x1 pixel image and assign a class flag and flag-. If you want to have a squared version flag, then add the class flag-icon-squared. See the ISO 3166-3 standard for former country codes. You can choose between ISO-3166-1 Alpha-2, ISO-3166-1 Alpha-3, ISO-3166 Numeric or the latest ISO-3166-2 codes. All presented icons of flags are for free for personal usage. 1 Country List (text file) 2 Code for country dropdown list (select) 3 ISO country codes; 4 Start Speaking Spanish Today[100% Free!] You signed in with another tab or window. Country Flag sprites usage. Country flags pictures in single CSS sprite icon - Flag generator images CSS Sprites - a method to optimize page loads by combining a large number of small country flag images into one. Mapping country codes to country flag icons. Then, below the linked CSS files add flags file. flag-icon-background instead of flag-icon and you're set. More features: Allows you to specify the pre-selected country. Consult the ISO-3166 Wikipedia page for more details. flag country-flag Download Icon font or SVG Download your collections in the code format compatible with all browsers, and use icons on your website. Example: You could also apply this to any element, but in that case you'll have to use the need from the US . Flag Symbol Flag Name Unicode Hex HTML Dec Code Chequered Flag: U+1F3C1 🏁 Triangular Flag: U+1F6A9 🚩 Crossed Flags: U+1F38C 🎌 Black Flag: U+1F3F4 🏴 White Flag: U+1F3F3 🏳 ️ Rainbow Flag: U+1F3F3 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F308 🏳 ️ 🌈 ☠️: Pirate Flag: U+1F3F4 U+200D U+2620 U+FE0F 128px. The way i did it: