", "How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! . ), it seems justifiable to suggest a fourth aspect, namely the preteristic (Preterism-ed.) P & R Publishing / Hardcover. . Click here for more information or to download your free Puritan Hard Drive demo software now! EIGHTEEN SERMONS ON SECOND THESSALONIANS CHAPTER TWO, on the Description, Rise, Growth, and Fall of ANTICHRIST by THOMAS MANTON, Thomas Manton's 22 volume Works are on the Puritan Hard Drive, IDENTIFYING ANTICHRIST IN REVELATION AND THE ENEMIES CHRIST'S TWO WITNESSES (COVENANTERS) BATTLE, FREE on THE PAPACY IS THE ANTICHRIST & the Classic Biblical & Reformation View of Romanism (SWRB), WHO IS THE ANTICHRIST? In view of the significance of the Protestant apocalyptic interpretation of history which prophetically pinpointed step by step the events covering the whole Christian era from the beginning to the end (i.e. ), Arminianism Agrees With Roman Catholicism And Calvinism Agrees With The Bible By Richard Bennett, Former Roman Catholic Priest Who Now Preaches God's Sovereign Grace (Free Reformation Videos, MP3s, etc. #1 by Greg Price (Free MP3), Ezra #35, Preterism Refuted #2, Why Nero Is Not the Beast of Revelation or 666? . . 666? Best Free Reformed Audio Commentaries On Revelation and Eschatology By Contemporary Reformed Ministers Dr. Steven Dilday, W.J. . 666? Wylie, Greg Price, John Foxe, David Steele, W.J. Top Commentaries on Every Book of the Bible from Nathan W. Bingham Apr 02, 2014 Category: Articles The last twenty years have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number and quality of biblical commentaries being published. . - Westminster Confession of Faith 25:6, "Of the Church", Original Edition (click here for a free PDF containing the original text of the WCF or click here to purchase the hardback version or click here for the free MP3 audio version), emphases added. Horae Apocalypticae; or, A Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Historical; Including Also An Examination of the Chief Prophecies of Daniel (1862, 4 Volume Set) by E. B. Elliott Concerning Elliott's Horae Apocalypticae H. Gratton Guinness, writes, The "Horae Apocalypticae" of Elliott, which may well be considered as the most important and valuable commentary of the Apocalypse which has ever been written, was also called into existence by Futurist attacks on the Protestant interpretation of prophecy (and the same would apply in our day, but even more so, as the classic Protestant system of interpretation for the book of Revelation is still being undermined by the Jesuit inspired Futurist system, but also, increasingly [even in so-called "Reformed" circles] by the other Jesuit inspired system: Preterism! Many of the works on these pages can be bought on Amazon and BookFinder. Understanding this first book, the Book of Genesis, is crucial to understanding the Old Testament and the entire Bible. Biblical Theology 30+, Commentaries on the Whole Old Testament 12+, Whole Old Testament Commentaries in Latin By Greg Price, The Beast & False Prophet, Reformation Eschatology, By Greg Price, Lectures Upon the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation (1814) by Alexander McLeod, Why God Wills That The Church Be Persecuted And Why Saints Become Martyrs (Persecution, Martyrdom, Suffering, Trials, Rewards) by W.J. the marks of a true church. All prices are in USD (Free), » Psyop the Election Steal - Official Documentary (Free Video). Dictionaries: Bridgeway Bible Dictionary (Pdf). - Kevin Reed, from his book review titled "The Ecclesiology of John Foxe: A book review by Kevin Reed of John Foxe and the Elizabethan Church by V. Norskov Olsen, 1973, citing Olsen on page 47. There is no other head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ: nor can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the Church against Christ, and all that is called God. 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He doesn't have commentaries on every book of the Bible though, but most of them are covered. Roman Catholicism, the Jesuits, Islam, etc. Arminianism Agrees With Roman Catholicism And Calvinism Agrees With The Bible By Richard Bennett, Former Roman Catholic Priest Who Now Preaches God's Sovereign Grace, Calvinism, or the Sovereignty of God, in Worship, The Doctrine of Justification by James Buchanan, Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7 by James M. Willson and Other Books and MP3s Defending the Classic Reformation Position on Civil Government, Making Shipwreck of the Faith: Evangelicals and Roman Catholics Together by Kevin Reed, Making Shipwreck of the Faith: Evangelicals and Roman Catholics Together, Reformed Audio Commentary On the Book Of Revelation by Pastor W.J. 1 Kings 13+ Micah 4 ... Keep up to date on new articles, new reformed and puritan books, and coupons for purchasing some of the best reformed literature in print! They are willingly divorcing themselves from great men of the faith -- Wycliff, Huss, Luther, Tyndale, Calvin, Cranmer, Latimer, Ridley, Bradford, Foxe, Bunyan, Newton, Edwards, Whitefield, ... Spurgeon, Ryle, and Lloyd-Jones to mention just a few. Other Free Related Reformation Resources About Antichrist, 666, Interpretation of Prophecy, Reformed Eschatology, etc. - ed.) interpretations launched by Catholic expositors as a counterattack." The Tabernacle 7+ Amazing surprises do come in small packages! Needless to say: Beware of their presuppositions, eat the meat, spit out the bones, and feed upon the vast majority of the commentaries that hold forth God’s Truth in shining fullness. (The speed itself is amazing!) 10 Commandments 42+ Individual Psalms 160+ by Dr. Steven Dilday, Prophecy, Reformed Apologetics, Presuppositionalism, Cornelius Van Til, Greg Bahnsen, Gordon Clark and R.C. 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Price documents the teachings of many of the major Reformers (and some of the church fathers) and in an easy-reading manner simplifies what can at times become a very complex subject. . By John MacArthur. Mencarow (Free Video & MP3), Prophecy, Antichrist, and Eschatology (at PuritanDownloads.com), FREE on THE PAPACY IS THE ANTICHRIST & the Classic Biblical & Reformation View of Romanism (SWRB Blog), Antichrist & His Emissaries Unmasked & Rebuked, Classic Reformation Eschatology by Greg Price (Free MP3), Ezra #34, Preterism Refuted #1, Why Nero Is Not the Beast of Revelation or 666? ", "In the history of the church's sanctification (mortification and vivification - ed.) Each volume in the series provides exposition that gives careful attention to the biblical text, is doctrinally Reformed, focuses on Christ through the lens of redemptive history, and applies the Bible to our contemporary setting. These commentaries could be used for bible studies, small groups, and as devotional aids. Sermon on Mount 10 2 Thessalonians 25+ The present essay seeks to redirect the focus of readers to the bigger picture, providing a framework for assessing Roman Catholicism, contemporary evangelicalism, and the ECT document. Mencarow, et al. . Old Testament Background, Survey, Authenticity & Introduction 35+ May the Lord continue to use this most profitable tool to promote a Third Reformation that encompasses the whole world (Isaiah 2:2-4)! on 20th Apr 2014, Revelation Audio Commentary by Pastor W.J. A book in hand is worth two on the computer. (from "About the Author" on Amazon, at the link above). Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our ring of reformed sites. #5 (Ezra #29) by Greg Price (Free SWRB MP3 & PDF), Biblical Civil Government Versus the Beast; and, The Basis For Civil Resistance by Greg Price (Free Online Book at SWRB.com). Warfield are also contrasted to the older Reformed views. 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Mencarow, Revelation Audio Commentary by Dr. Steven Dilday, First of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Solved, First Seal Opened, Rider on the White Horse, A Bow, A Crown, and Conquering by Dr. Steven Dilday, The Antichrist (Man of Sin) and Interpretations of the Book of Revelation (Eschatology, Prophecy) Among the Early Church Fathers by Dr. Steven Dilday, Revelation and How Antichrist Gains A Foothold In the Church, In Your Heart and In Your Family by Dr. Steven Dilday, How Reformed Churches Imitate the Papal Antichrist, the 4th Trumpet Revelation, Etc. Who Is the Beast of Revelation & 666? The Reformed Expository Commentary Series. Follow. “O how love I thy law! Mencarow, The 1260 Days Of Revelation (The Year Day Theory In Classic Protestant Eschatological Thought And Scripture) by W.J.