We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. 2. a sure thing, even money, in the bag 3. what they said close, shut, stop. 2 a : to set or slap down violently or noisily slammed down the phone. (tr) to throw (something) down noisily and violently. It is performed at events called poetry slams, or simply slams. slam-dunk (BASKETBALL) n smash m , slam-dunk m. vt smasher. Slam poetry, a form of performance poetry that combines elements of performance, writing, competition, and audience participation. bang. → The new proposals have been slammed by all the opposition parties. The idiom comes from basketball, where it refers to a dramatic shot in which the ball is thrust into the basket from above the rim. Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. If you slam a door or window or if it slams, it shuts noisily and with great force. SLAM stands for “Simultaneous Localization and Mapping”. Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA,random Word(s) in meaning: chat "global warming" Postal codes: USA: 81657, Canada: T5A 0A7 What does SLAM stand … See also: slam down, grand slam, grand slam, slalom. slam meaning: 1. to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise: 2. to criticize…. She slammed the door and locked it behind her. slam1 /slæm/ verb (slammed, slamming) 1 door etc [ intransitive, transitive] SHUT/CLOSE LOUD/NOISY. 1 to shove into a closed position with force and noise. by on ): If you slam on the brakes, the car will skid. Can be done in a number of creative ways. Learn more. To slam is to close something forcefully and loudly, like when you slam your door angrily, or slam the freezer door quickly so your sister won't see the ice cream sandwiches you bought. slam down, grand slam, grand slam, slalom, With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for to slam shut and thousands of other words. You can complete the translation of to slam shut given by the English-French Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, English-French dictionary : translate English words into French with online dictionaries. It’s very difficult to improve your power by 10-15 watts, so if slamming your stem gives you free watts, then slam it and get used to it. Collaborative Dictionary English-French, (=criticize) éreinter ; démolir ; critiquer violemment ; descendre en flammes. Get the top SLAM abbreviation related to Medical. Former President Jimmy Carter spoke out this week to condemn efforts by Georgia Republicans to restrict absentee voting and introduce other election reforms after the controversial 2020 election. Translation English - French Collins Dictionary, English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-French translations from our dictionary, He then waits for the third count, opens the door, lets another officer walk through, walks through himself and allows the door, Il attend ensuite le troisième compte, ouvre la porte, laisse passer un autre agent, franchit lui-même la porte et la laisse, The door has a mechanical closing device and is meant, La porte dispose d'un dispositif de fermeture mécanique et elle est conçue, Several times, the bathroom door would be heard, Plusieurs fois, la porte de la salle de bain serait entendue, Quand une opportunité se présente, il faut la saisir, Attorney Armin PIKL did not shrink from himself also with numerous Untergriffen in his writs approximately GLÖCKEL, L'avocat Armin PIKL ne s'est eu peur pas non plus avec de nombreux Untergriffen dans ses mémoires environ. ‘The door slammed and the car screeched off at high speed.’. The new proposals have been slammed by all the opposition parties. Me echaron a la calle y cerraron la puerta de un portazo. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. Definition of slam-into phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. She won the thirteenth trick, giving her a grand slam. The Royal College of … (1) To one-up someone in an argument or in a put down. Submitted by tim t. from … dar con la puerta en las narices a alguien, Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011. He then waits for the third count, opens the door, lets another officer walk through, walks through himself and allows the door to slam shut. "Stop making that noise!" slam [sth] down vtr phrasal sep. phrasal verb, transitive, separable: Verb with adverb (s) or preposition (s), having special meaning, divisible--for example, "call off" [=cancel], " call the game off ," " call off the game." vi smasher, faire un slam-dunk. Don't just slam your food down like that—take a moment to actually enjoy what you're eating! Culturally, poetry slams are a break with the past image of poetry as an elitist or rigid art form. (tr) slang to criticize … These events are live and involve an audience and a group of judges. Definition of slam. 1. to shut with force and noise: to slam the door. More example sentences. bar, She went out, slamming the door behind her. To eat or drink something very hastily or voraciously. Learn more. Here's what's included: SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. These events are live and involve an audience and a group of judges. verb - transitive. Slam poetry, also known as spoken word poetry, is typically performed at what is known as a “poetry slam”. Sometimes hyphenated. 3. to hit, push, block, etc., so as to cause a violent noise (often fol. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. See also: slam down, grand slam, grand slam, slalom. if a door, gate etc slams, or if … The parents slammed the principal for how he handled the incident. A poetry slam. to cause (a door or window) to close noisily and with force or (of a door, etc) to close in this way. (obsolete) A type of card game, also called ruff and honours. [VERB noun adjective] Synonyms: bang, crash, smash, thump More Synonyms of slam. Sometimes shortened to just dunk. More example sentences. "to slam shut": examples and translations in context. ‘she heard a car door slam’. 1. verb. Se enojó, dio un portazo y se negó a salir por el resto de la noche. Elle sortit, claquant la porte derrière elle. please don't slam the door every time you step out. slam1 /slæm/ verb (slammed, slamming) 1 door etc [ intransitive, transitive] SHUT/CLOSE LOUD/NOISY. (card games) Losing or winning all the tricks in a game. A poetry slam is a competition arts event, in which poets perform spoken word poetry before a live audience and a panel of judges. Translation English - French Collins Dictionary. (m) means that a noun is masculine. Words Related to slam. Un video de vigilancia captó el momento en que un avión se estrelló contra un complejo de apartamentos. slam-dunk (BASKETBALL) n smash m , slam-dunk m. vt smasher. (violently put down) sbattere giù, metter giù violentemente vtr. See more. (m) means that a noun is masculine. Onyx’s huge hit “Slam” topped the US Rap Chart and crossed over to the pop chart in 1993, reaching #4.It also found success in the UK, Germany & New Zealand. El Barça le dio una paliza anoche al Real Madrid, 4-1. 1.1. no object Be closed forcefully and loudly. James Page April 18, 2018. (You can also hit gentle to reply in teeny-tiny type or invisible ink if you’d like your note to disappear and reappear with a tap.). Origin unknown. Slam definition, to shut with force and noise: to slam the door. slam [sb/sth] for doing [sth] v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." ‘As Tristan packs up his briefcase and prepares to leave the empty club for the night, he's surprised to hear the sound of a car door slamming outside.’. [VERB noun] I was relieved to hear the front door slam. Have you tried it yet? "to slam shut": examples and translations in context. slam. The writer stands on stage, recites their chosen work with a heavy focus on intonation and inflection. gritó y cerró la ventana de un golpe. put one down; criticize. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). Synonyms: bang, bang, bash… Find the right word. Noun (1) winning all or all but one of the tricks in bridge (2) the noise made by the forceful impact of two objects (3) a forceful impact that makes a loud noise (4) an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect. Los padre vapulearon al director por el modo en que manejó el incidente. While formats can vary, slams are often loud and lively, with audience participation, cheering and dramatic delivery. she shouted, and slammed the window shut. The high-percentage shot in basketball. slam. Last edited on Nov 04 2010. The window slammed shut without anyone touching it. Translation English - French Collins Dictionary. if a door, gate etc slams, or if someone slams it, it shuts with a loud noise SYN bang We heard a car door … ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. “That’s very amazing company,” said Osaka, who held her childhood idol, the 23-time Grand Slam champion Serena Williams, to the same number of games, seven, mustered by … Last edited on Nov 04 2010. 4. to criticize harshly. Barça slammed Real Madrid last night, 4-1. (m) means that a noun is masculine. The man sneezed.). Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either … El senador entró al despacho del presidente y tiró el periódico sobre el escritorio. slam meaning: 1. to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise: 2. to criticize…. Verb (1) close violently (2) strike violently (3) dance the slam dance (4) throw violently. See more words with the same meaning: to insult, complain, criticize. Definition of slam_1 verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. ‘The door slammed and the car screeched off at high speed.’. man, dog, house). verb slams, slamming or slammed. NHS nurses have slammed the government's proposal of a 'pitiful' 1 per cent pay rise after Rishi Sunak warmed Britain will be paying off Covid debts for decades. Submitted by tim t. from … 4. verb By extension, to achieve a forceful, dramatic success or accomplishment handily or easily, often at the expense of someone or something else. slam (slahm) A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. slam. See more words with the same meaning: to insult, complain, criticize. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. ‘she heard a car door slam’. She got mad, slammed the door, and refused to come out for the rest of the night. An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g. A forceful, dramatic move, as in That indictment was a slam dunk if ever there was one. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. slam (slahm) A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. The incumbent president has slam dunked his opponent in every televised debate so far. The senator walked into the president's office and slammed the newspaper onto the desk. Don't slam me because I screwed up. 1 : to shut forcibly and noisily : bang. Ganó la baza número 13, lo que le dio un gran slam. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. skinny, grandma). informal, figurative (criticize) ( figuré ) Hover on a tile to learn new words with the same root. Slam poetry, also known as spoken word poetry, is typically performed at what is known as a “poetry slam”. Republican Election Reforms In Georgia The Georgia Senate ended … What happens next: A list of bubble effects appears.Tap loud if you’d like to shout back an oversize reply or slam if you’d like your reaction to appear on her screen in a big dramatic burst. Slam dunk definition: a scoring shot in which a player jumps up and forces the ball down through the basket | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples I slammed down the burger so I could get back on the road straight away. The scientific community slammed his study for the flaws in the experiments. A noun or pronoun can be used between "slam" and "down." verb - transitive. 1. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...). vi smasher, faire un slam-dunk. "¡Basta de ruido!" A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. La comunidad científica criticó su estudio por las fallas de los experimentos. ‘Slamming’ is the term used to describe the action of injecting drugs in a recreational setting, typically in relation to gay and bisexual men. Don't slam me because I screwed up. The name slam came from how the audience has the power to praise or, sometimes, destroy a poem. ‘As Tristan packs up his briefcase and prepares to leave the empty club for the night, he's surprised to hear the sound of a car door slamming outside.’. (2) To illegally scam by adding charges to a person’s phone bill without their permission (Slamming senior citizens is a big business … A surveillance video captured the moment a plane slammed into an apartment complex. → I was so annoyed I just slammed the phone down. put one down; criticize. Synonyms for slam. 2. to dash, strike, throw, etc., with violent, noisy impact: She slammed the book on the table. 1.1. no object Be closed forcefully and loudly. man, dog, house). slam [sth] down vtr phrasal sep. phrasal verb, transitive, separable: Verb with adverb (s) or preposition (s), having special meaning, divisible--for example, "call off" [=cancel], " call the game off ," " call off the game." b : to propel, thrust, or produce by or as if by … Medical SLAM abbreviation meaning defined here. Performed by stuffing the ball down through the rim, and generally done with some force. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine … La puerta se cerró de un portazo cuando vino una ráfaga de viento. He then waits for the third count, opens the door, lets another officer walk through, walks through himself and allows the door to slam shut. This expression is also often put as a verb, slam-dunk, meaning "make a forceful move against someone," as in This is a great chance for us to slam-dunk the opposition. (Entry 1 of 3) transitive verb. (violently put down) (téléphone) raccrocher brutalement loc v. slam translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'slam down',grand slam',grand slam',slalom', examples, definition, conjugation La ventana se cerró de un golpe sin que nadie la hubiera tocado. The act of … A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g. They threw me out on the street and closed the door with a slam. I bought a book.). (Britain, dialect) The refuse of alum works. The writer stands on stage, recites their chosen work with a heavy focus on intonation and inflection. man, dog, house). → It's my first Grand Slam and I was hoping to make a good impression. Slam: to shove into a closed position with force and noise. What does SLAM stand for in Medical? 1. [VERB] He slammed the gate shut behind him. (countable, bridge) A bid of six (small slam) or seven (grand slam) in a suit or no trump. ‘Slamming’ is the term used to describe the action of injecting drugs in a recreational setting, typically in relation to gay and bisexual men. This means that the device performing SLAM is able to: Map the location, creating a 3D virtual map; Locate itself inside the map; Visual SLAM, also known as vSLAM, is a technology able to build a map of an unknown environment and perform location at the same time. The door slammed when a gust of wind came.