Nova Aetas Renaissance, a cooperative tactical boardgame set in a fantastic and dark Italian Renaissance. On the left side (A) we find the slots for the skills. Includes: 6× Nova Aetas KS edition 6× ‍♂️ Hyperion expansion You will be asked to pay it after Kickstarter ends, from the Pledge Manager level. Inspired by classic Japanese tactical RPGs such as 'Final Fantasy Tactics' and 'Tactics Ogre', in Nova Aetas you will battle enemies controlled by a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence. You can find a list of ongoing Board Games Late Pledge LATE PLEDGE LIST Contact Me What are you looking for? (~719%) ☑ 1 - 4: 5658: $59 / $140: Nov 12: kicktraq bgg #newedition #expansion Other event by Board Game Revolution on Monday, November 9 2020 The Nova Aetas Renaissance boardgame launched via Kickstarter last month has already raised over $700,000 thanks to over 5000 backers with still 10 days remaining. Nova Aetas: Renaissance an awesome game that will guide you in a storic and magical age. One of the innovations of Nova Aetas Renaissance compared to the original version is about the Heroes’ sheet. Buy Nova Aetas: Vesuvio's Forge online in New Zealand for the cheapest price. Each Hero sheet is generic, it is foldable and serves to keep the reference card of the chosen hero. The game has too much material to be sold in the retail market at a reasonable price. Nova Aetas Renaissance is a tabletop miniatures wargame set in an alternative Renaissance world. Buy. 6X Nova Aetas Renaissance + Hyperion expansion, including all unlocked Stretch Goals from this campaign. – Select –Add Late Pledge URL in listPromote Late PledgeOthersCompany Name Board Game Name First Name Last Name Email Your Message SEND // Has raised $790,395 of $110,000 so far. Nova Aetas Renaissance BoardGame has 2,462 members. Board Game Oracle compares prices from over two dozen retail shops across NZ to ensure you get the best deals. This pledge does not include shipping. The Heroes’ Sheets. Search. See shipping section for more details. This project creation and sale is only possible on KS. Nova Aetas Renaissance is an adventure game for 1 to 4 players. After the shipment to the backers, we’ll be able to sell it on our Web-Store later, at a higher price than on Kickstarter. kicktraq bgg: Nova Aetas: Renaissance Nova Aetas: Renaissancean awesome game that will guide you in a storic and magical age. Board game mechanics: Action Points Cooperative Game Dice Rolling Grid Movement Modular Board Role Playing Storytelling Team-Based Game Time Track Variable Player Powers Compare. Nova Aetas Renaissance is a fully KSE (Kickstarter Exclusive) game. Play. Nova Aetas Renaissance is designed by Luca Bernardini and Andrea Colletti, and published by Ludus Magnus Studio. 4 young mercenaries will find their fate during the war between Rome and Venice. Yes!