Click and drag your mouse while holding down the ‘Shift’ key to form a circle. 5.) Next, adjust the Weight of the line to 100pt. ... 1.Put a circle behind your diamond to make sure that the rays are equally far from the diamond. You can get all the files associated with the guide here . Ray effect in Illustrator. Create the appearance of a light source shining on your Adobe Illustrator artwork. Again, you can make the weight different on future starbursts to get a different look. Step Four. This … Next, click on the Create New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette to create a new layer to hold the rays of light that we’re about to make. How to Create a Beautiful Abstract Artwork using Light Effects - Illustrator Tutorial Today, I’m going to show you how use custom brushes and some cool post editing techniques in Photoshop CS5 to create a beautiful abstract artwork. In the opened dialog box choose the RGB color mode for our illustration. To make starbursts with more or fewer rays you can adjust this number higher or lower. Download this light bulb image and open it in Illustrator. This vintage style effect is perfect for embellishing and adding visual impact to typography. To start, we’ll draw the outline of the light bulb. 3.) Apr 25, 2015 - With this tutorial you will be guided step by step through the process of creating unique vector light rays in Illustrator. Press ‘None (/)’… To begin our Lightsaber vector tutorial, start Adobe Illustrator, and then go to the File> New…. Go to Object > Expand Appearance. Create a rectangle with the help of the Rectangle Tool (M), the size of which corresponds to the size of an artboard. Select Layer 2 from the Layers window. 2.Make your rays with pen tool and rotate them like in image. For this tutorial, leave as is. 1.) Create the rays of light 1 Open a document and create a new layer Create a new RGB document (choose File > New) in Illustrator CS2 or open the file I’ve created here to follow along. Make sure the circle doesn't have any fill. Select the Ellipse tool or press ‘L’ on your keyboard. Lock the layer of the photo to avoid accidentally moving it. Step 3: Draw the Light Bulb’s Outline. Add light source and surface reflections in Adobe Illustrator This tutorial is part of a detailed guide on making an abstract scientific illustration . Create a new layer above the reference photo; the new layer is where we’ll draw our illustration. In this tutorial we will learn how to create vector rays in a simple and efficient way, using a Wave filter in Photoshop and the Gradient Mesh Tool in Adobe Illustrator. 2.) Share. Creating playing table background with greenish rays coming from the middle. We will creating the light rays Illustrator will automatically make it 12pt dash. Auteur : Photoshop Design and Photo editing Tutorials from HowTech Share. Delete the layer with circle. 4.) Image Credit: Image courtesy Adobe Systems Along with applying blends, gradients and meshes to add dimensionality and realism, you can use the program's effects and blending modes to simulate the impact of bright light sources illuminating your work. Create a new layer. Create a new standard A4 document.