It’s not that hard to give yourself an injection. The incubation period, how long a person is contagious. We believe that there are approximately 89,000 cases at this point…, And from there, using our model, based on an R-0 of two…. Absenteeism in law enforcement is nearing 25 percent…, OPERATOR [ON RECORDING]: Because of the high volume of 911 calls…. The problem, Mears says, is the carriers and the number they will potentially infect, the R-naught number. Mitch tries to call 911, but gets the runaround with an automated message. You go on home. Uh, destroy everything. I’ll get you the footage you require. I see structures on the surface that look like glycoproteins…. Cheever then tells her to leave Chicago and not tell a soul where she is going. Look, I don’t have any here. Mitch is placed in isolation for testing but is later found to be immune; he returns home to his teenage daughter Jory. We tested all her antibodies. Her liaison, Dave is nearby, holding flowers, trying his best to pay his respects considering she will be part of a mass grave. They’ve seen your blog. A construction crew from Beth’s company AIMM was cutting down trees in a forest in China. Bullshit. Mitch says that while he is touched by the gesture, he cannot let him in because he could infect them. Corral, a frequent western subject — not exactly Mud and Rags but definitely deglamorized. Jesus. There’s a possibility that people may need to get a COVID-19 vaccine every year, like a yearly flu shot, Harris said. There’s nothing wrong with me. I’ve seen a lot of shit. The most febrile cases at this end. US virus deaths have passed 455,000 with the daily toll still alarmingly high at 3000 per day even with the vaccination rollout in massive venues such as Yankee Stadium in New York. DAVE: I sure hope you packed something warmer than that. You don’t have anybody. After hearing several workers at a casino got sick where Beth attended, Orantes tells Feng to get tapes of the security footage. I was reading that last summer they had an outbreak of enterovirus encephalitis. In Switzerland, Dr. Leonora Orantes (Marion Cotillard), goes to work at the World Health Organization (WHO). Sussman tells him to make an appointment and insults Allen’s journalism saying, “Blogging is graffiti with punctuation.”, Cheever is met at the CDC doors by Homeland Security agents. Mears traces the outbreak back to Beth. My name’s Dr. Arrington. Doc-umentary to showcase life and career of Mike Emrick. All right, let’s go get some soup for you and Mom. Pick with your head, not your heart. I didn’t see much cross-reactivity. The numbers of infected reach 80,000+ and could reach as high as 267,000. …socioeconomic factors, nutrition, fresh water. We put the word out. He had just co-starred with Harris Yulin in End of the Road, a film so ‘out there’ that it had difficulty finding bookings. ORANTES: Are they sick? You need to give up on your Lions. Her birthday didn’t come up so she is stuck in isolation for 144 days. What’s your single overriding communications objective? In order to get scared, all you have to do is come in contact with a rumor…. GUARD: Get back in your car, sir. The doctor asks about her Chicago layover, and if Beth knew anyone there. AUBREY [OVER PHONE]: How many people are gonna die? LEOPOLD: What we are hearing from Beijing is that the outbreak is contained…. Two days later, in her family home in suburban Minneapolis, she collapses with seizures. When was the last time you had something that didn’t come out of a vending machine? The doctor is resistant but eventually nods. It’s a math problem you can do on a napkin. …wondering why you took the job, call me. Allen looks at it stoically. Cheever is informed he will be investigated. Realisation hits Mitch. Apocalypse Now in 4K? He breaks down crying. It’s hard to know what it is without where it came from. Ally Hextall determines the virus is a combination of genetic material from pig- and bat-borne viruses. We’ll set up triage outside, FEMA can handle food in the basement…. …and hoping that the healthy people don’t get sick. ALAN: After the Spanish flu in 1918, you know, people got rich. You never had the virus. Allen is still adamant that the vaccine should not be used. Mitch talks to his mother-in-law and discusses cremation but the mother in law wants her family to be buried together. Allen says he has none due to a break-in, but he will get her some as soon as possible. We’re hoping for more to be donated. I’ll figure something out. They noticed there are traces of bat and pig in the virus DNA code so it mostly originated from an infected bat. I probably picked up some bug. She mentions Beth as being the potential start of the infection. We need to send this to Geneva. Empty streets, airports, gyms etc. No, I’ll take care of it. She is dead. What kind of symptoms do you have? Maybe it causes autism or narcolepsy or cancer 10 years from now. Haggerty goes on television doing a vaccine lottery. If we see anybody else, any other vehicles, you’ll never see her again. He runs off. They want him to continue his investigations on MEV-1 and the government’s alleged involvement with the problem. Jory is with Andrew making snow angels. Whoa, whoa, whoa. We wanna go across. Cheever finds Hextall on a computer and tells her to take a break. Mitch is scared, and he sees Clark at the doorway looking at his mother convulsing. On the way in, he passes a janitor named Roger (John Hawkes) who he is on friendly terms with due to the football pool they have. Come here, sit down, sit down, sit down. SUN FENG: Once we have the vaccine, we’ll tell you where to find her. WHO has confirmed that the Hong Kong sample…. In that moment, there is hope for the future. Hotel staff come into the room and find her dead on the bathroom floor. Beth. I’d rather the story be that we overreacted…. We see another news report. NURSE: I’m sorry, sir, we’re doing the best we can. Jory feels guilty of not being there when Clark died, but Mitch says it is not her fault. Mohamedou Ould Salahi fights for freedom after being detained and imprisoned without charge by the U.S. Government for years. Thank you. By the time Mitch gets there, it is too late, his son is dead. She calls the front desk and tells them to track down everyone who serviced her room. Hong Kong? What about Li Fai? It’s been made here. The virus will be the least of our worries. Fishing industry suppresses it. The British health secretary Matt Hancock has revealed that Steven Soderbergh's popular pandemic movie "Contagion" played a part in inspiring the UK's COVID-19 vaccine strategy. Aubrey says ‘no’, they had to wait like everyone else. HEXTALL: We’re getting the same results as Sussman. 911. Why can’t they invent a shot that keeps time from passing? Now that they know what they are up against, they can start developing and testing vaccines. We’ll find someone, have them take a look. I can show you the Ukrainian woman on the security camera in the elevator…. It’s hard right now to know where’s the right place. I’ll try anything once. When Beth Emhoff (Gwyneth Paltrow) returns to Minnesota from a Hong Kong business trip, she attributes the malaise she feels to jet lag. What does he want? Sun Feng. You’re considering pronouncements with serious implications. WOMAN: What? Cheever says he will do everything he can to get her home, but she should stay in her room for now. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Jory is crushed, but Mitch tells her they have to be very careful. If it was summer, I might say a bug bite, you know, West Nile. Orantes sees the remaining villagers. …water fountains, elevator buttons and each other. She’s one of our own, Lyle. Sorry, they got one of them. Mitch tells Clark he will beat it by Thanksgiving. During an interview with the British radio network LBC , Hancock confirmed earlier reports that he had been watching the 2011 movie during the early stages of the pandemic to draw inspiration. I’ll be talking about it extensively in the days ahead. I opened it with scissors. As of this moment, you and I are attached at the cell phone. Mitch tells him to go upstairs as he calls 911. We’re out of blankets. In London, a model gets sick and goes back to her hotel room. Let me see what I can do about getting you back here. A pig, a chicken, everything. I’m going home now, Ellis. Get up here. A virus is too small to be seen on video camera. Also, you need to get in touch with the waiter…. Anything? Keep your distance from other people. All 12 million unique visitors. In one video, he claims he has cured himself of the virus using a homeopathic cure derived from forsythia. The incubation period is less than that. We’re also looking at samples from London. I’m gonna take a bow while you get hauled in front of Congress? AUBREY: It’s because they saw you on the news and they heard about what happened. FUNERAL DIRECTOR: The problem is, we just can’t take delivery of the bodies. FRENCH: Blood results came back, Mr. Krumwiede. There are 50 different states in this country…, …which means there are 50 different Health Departments…. They have enough to keep up with demand. Do you wanna go to the hotel first, get situated? …Minneapolis, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston and Salt Lake. They’re not gonna take them, Sarah. Um, they said this happens really, really fast. They’re setting up roadblocks. Dr. Erin Mears (Kate Winslet) is being briefed by Ellis on her job on the mysterious virus outbreak. But we won’t know for certain until more research is done. By this time, the death toll has reached 2.5 million in the U.S. and 26 million worldwide. One woman asks if they are panicking about something they know little of. ORANTES: Beth Emhoff used an ATM at a casino in Macao. Yep, that’s me. Virus is 15 to 19 kilobases in length and containing six to 10 genes. But right now, our best defense has been social distancing. Uh, my kid’s been, uh, having problems at school. The Chinese insisted. Contagion (2011) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. I want you to get off now. You can go up to the window, pick up the phone, and you can talk to him. If it’s just a matter of destroying them, I can do it. We had pizza. Come on. I can’t give him the bracelet, but at least you know he’ll be safe. And give me 2 milligrams of Ativan, please. Let me bring Alan Krumwiede into this debate as well. He asks if Neal is infected. Do you understand that? | Haggerty says he has now just become a scapegoat. SUN FENG: Tsuen Wan Cemetery off the Number 3 Expressway. They talk on a phone. …that the World Health Organization is in bed with pharmaceutical companies? That’s for you, okay? If he doesn’t know what it is, nobody does. …and we’ll need to be operational within the next 24 to 48 hours. I want you to get in your car and leave Chicago. Mitch is being driven home when he gets a call. She tells him to get off as he is infected. Not really. You know where this comes from, shaking hands? This kind of action has happened a lot lately all over the world with desperate people holding doctors and other VIPs for ransom in order to receive the vaccine, but governments don’t cater to terrorists. All we did was get healthy people scared. He walks into traffic and is hit by a truck and killed. Hang up the phone and call 911 right now. Oh, my God. Erin gives a briefing about the virus and the precautions they need to take. She accidentally leaves her phone at the bar and a woman picks it up and hands it to her. Stuff is really spooky. The news stresses that government states that it will take potentially months for a full vaccine to be ready. CHEEVER: As of right now, the mortality rate is fluctuating…, …depending upon underlying medical conditions…. I think what Mr. Krumwiede is spreading is far more dangerous than the disease. So the littlest things people touch and interact with, including each other, are potential harbors for infection. Rear Admiral Haggerty’s expecting us in the emergency operations center. His son is sick. JON [OVER PHONE]: Yeah, Jon Neal here. Blogging is not writing. Two days later, in her family home in suburban Minneapolis, she collapses with seizures. Back in Minnesota, still in quarantine, Mitch asks Mears if he is immune since he has not shown any symptoms and he also asks why they cannot use his blood to make a vaccine. It’s a weekend. …is the possibility that it will revert to wild type and kill the host. She instead makes it fall off the counter and shatter. We tried that with swine flu. They say the French and Americans have a cure. Allen continues to blog about the virus and how the government is conspiring with the drug companies to turn a profit on tragedy. An epidemic of what? Contagion (2011) - Transcript. There was a package she messengered from Hong Kong. …has succeeded in growing the ME V-1 virus in a laboratory setting. It’s good that you weren’t there. I’ll call the people at the Health Department, I’ll tell them you’re there. Did you take too much of that flu shit? Excuse me. A UCSF infectious disease doctor is convinced this pandemic is ending, and sooner than you think…here’s why. I can’t even imagine all the civil suits people are gonna file against you…, Now you wanna tell people not to get vaccinated…. These side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. …that has so far taken the life of a school nurse and three students. SCHOOL NURSE: Hope you feel better, Clark, okay? We just, you know, aren’t gonna take any chances. We may never know where this disease came from. …the question remains: Who gets it first? …off the fact that our immune system is a work in progress. I mean, I just saw her. None work. His mother-in-law said Beth made mistakes by cheating but she did love Mitch. What’s going on? Don’t call me anymore. To cut out the lengthy time it would take to obtain informed consent from infected patients, Hextall inoculates herself with the experimental vaccine and visits her infected father. Adolescents: Receive a shot … They’re quarantining the complex and screening for symptoms. His death is captured on a camera phone. Evidently, there are 12 million other people as crazy as you are. We found him. I’m Clark’s stepdad. Meanwhile, Mitch goes to a funeral home and learns that because his wife and son died due to the virus, the funeral home will not accept the bodies for burial. FEMA WORKER: Leave the park in an orderly fashion. It offers a fresh interpretation of the 1881 shootout at the O.K. He has been infected as well. We have a family plot here. Returning from a business trip in Hong Kong, Beth Emhoff has a layover in Chicago and meets a former lover for sex. Next to her, a man is complaining of being cold, but the triage center has run out of blankets. Is this something we wanna release to the press? I would like to suggest that the virus started before Macao…. I’ll try it. Someone else who crawled off the grid. When he gets home he sees Jory is gone and notices footprints in the snow moving away from the house. Dr. Cheever, he asked you to call if you feel up to it. We need to know how big the population of people susceptible to the virus might be. That’s the thing. Get back in your car or I will detain you. CHEEVER: I thought you said once we could grow it, we could vaccinate against it. At a news office a blogger journalist and conspiracy theorist, named Alan (Jude Law), is talking to an editor, named Lorraine, about the Tokyo bus incident.